Warsaw Cosplay Taikai 2013

Hi there!
So many things to do, so little time… This Sunday, the city of Warsaw had the priviledge to host the grand Warsaw Cosplay Taikai organized by the Japanese Embassy, the Animatsuri association and the Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology. Unfortunately, the date collided with a big M&A convention in another city – DoubleBack. However, the conplace was overcrowded, which means that the event was a bigger success than was previously anticipated. The only… let’s say “shortcoming”, was that there were just 7 cosplayers registered for the competition:/ However, the level was pretty OK and there were some non-registered ones wandering around the place…
Cheers and please enjoy the photos!

Event – random cosplayers, caligraphy, tea ceremony, origami, speech contest, kendo, etc.

Cosplay Taikai – self explanatory…

~ by lurkerpas on February 25, 2013.

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