WFKJ 2010 – Event

Here you can find some “general-event-look-and-feel” photos from Wielki Festiwal Kultury Japonskiej (Grand Festival of Japanese Culture) which took place in Warsaw on the 4th of December 2010. Despite the name, it was a really tiny convention, mainly targeted at the M&A crowd. Most of the event was rather boring. Usually in such a case I would go to the Console or Japanese Games Room, but this time I was sleepy and generally wasted, so… However, the event improved towards the end (thanks for a nice presentation about japanese martial arts!) and the cosplay was pretty nice despite its size.
The event was small and short, so I didn’t take too much pictures… and that’s why I was really liberal when selecting photos – meaning, almost half of the event photos taken made it to this blog… for better or for worse:)

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