Mokon 2 – CLAMP festival

Hi there!
This time I went to the last (at least for me) Anime convention this year – Mokon 2. Fate was strong with this one… The event was plagued by minor… issues… Nothing important anyway, but still enough to say that the legend returned! Weaker, yes… But it’s still Mokon (^_^) I decided to take it easy this time and try to enjoy the social aspect of the con, so I took only around 700 photos – about 450 of them were uploaded to this blog. Still, the cosplay was organized by Miohi – and despite some time slips – was great! The stage was well prepared and some of the cosplayers were outstanding… Great thing to watch:)

Please enjoy!

Event – misc/random photos of the convention and people posing outside of cosplay

Cosplay – well… cosplay… ;P

~ by lurkerpas on December 19, 2011.

2 Responses to “Mokon 2 – CLAMP festival”

  1. Dziękuję za zdjeci są boskie <3 <3 <3

  2. Time skip was on everything(except my quizes) at Mokon…like always :D

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