Hellcon 2012 – Apocalypse

Hi there!

I’ve just finished sorting, postprocessing and uploading a few batches of photos from the last M&A convention EVER -> Hellcon 2012: Apocalypse (8-9.12.2012, Warsaw). To make the story short -> the post-apocalyptic theme made it the least “M&A related” M&A convention I’ve attented so far… But at the same time, one of the most fun (^_^) Hence more photos than usually;P The cosplay was pretty big (and long…), many guys wandering (and overcrowding) the school grounds wore costumes matching the convention’s theme, the J-Games room was hospitable as always so… I’m pretty happy I attended this event.

Mata ne!

People – poor souls wandering around the conplace, caught and put against the wall… or stairs… or whatever background I managed to find…

Event – LARP, stands, some people, misc stuff…

Fire Dance – a few guys who couldn’t decide whether to get burns or frost bites…

Posters – some of the hilarious pre/post-apocalyptic posters decorating the conplace:)

Cosplay part I – the first part of the cosplay photos

Cosplay part II – the second part of the cosplay photos

~ by lurkerpas on December 12, 2012.

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