EZkon 2014 – The treasure of Jolly Roger

Arrrr mates!
Lots of things are happening in my life right now and so I cannot commit too much time to earthly pleasures… BUT I’ve made an exception for EZkon 2014: The treasure of Jolly Roger – a pirate themed convention. Despite a very low attendance (why?!), the event was very enjoyable. I had prepared a handmade (for the first time ever!) pirate costume… and it did its job like a charm :3 But *these* photos are… ehem… not public;P
As for the event itself, the shopping was quite OK (another Saber bought <3 ), at least from a buyer's perspective. The pirate pentathlon was quite fun and – not to boast too much – I did prove myself as a real pirate, arrr! The one prelection that I did attend (about media piracy) was wandering a little bit off-topic, but still worth my time. However, the best aspect of this convention were the people wearing pirate costumes! Some of them were really amazing. I had a great time both taking photos and posing for them.
I'd like to give special thanks to Adrian for cosplaying a WH40K/Pirate Mega Noob and to both Kunio and Wiki-chan for being great mates! I'd also like to thank many others who made the event great – Aldar, Roger, Honorata, Yoruko, Grzegorz, Tuan, Airi, Bartek, Mariusz, Dymek, Celebriana and all those whom I forgot to mention.
Enjoy the photos!
[and pray for a next EZkon in 2015…]

Sessions (the best part :3 )


Event and misc stuff

Pirate pentathlon (very few photos, because I was also participating in it ;P)

~ by lurkerpas on April 14, 2014.

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